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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wacky Wednesday 1

Well thanks for sticking with me over the short stint I wasn't posting. Was trying to figure out which way I wanted to take my blog and I think I figured it out!

I'm going to have 3 main days that I post on. These days will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each of these days will have a theme.

Mondays are Music Monday. I give credit to my dear friend Kirsten, who's blog can be found HERE, for the inspiration to this. She picks and artist, talks a little about them, and then puts some songs up. I'm going to narrow it down and pick a specific song. Then talk about the song, and how it relates to me and what not.

Wednesdays, as you can see, are Wacky Wednesday. I'll find something wacky, funny, or goofy and posted it here. I'll more than likely talk a little about it, maybe a story that was related, but something.

Friday is Freedom Friday. Could be anything. My opinions on recent events, cool videos I've seen, movie reviews, or who knows what else. Stay tuned for this one!

Now onto todays post: Wacky Wednesday!

This video is presented to you from Ebaumsworld. A site full of Trolls that say everything on there is dumb, but yet they keep going back to watch stuff. I like the site for the videos and Galleries. Some pretty neat stuff can turn up there. This one is of a prank some workers at a sling shot ride pulled on a guy. They kept talking to each other saying it wasn't working, and to try it without launching it. Then they told the guy the straps on the harness were messed up and they would refund his money. Shortly the video and see. I got a kick out of it.

I used to do things like this all the time when I worked on a rollercoaster. I'd have the ride operator lift up a set of harnesses on a group of girls or something after latching them down. Then I'd run over put them back down and act like I was double checking them. Here comes the kicker, the following line was heard with dread to many people, "Sometimes these things just come up. Just hold on tight and you should be fine." Afterwards I gave them a smile and gave the "all clear" sign to launch the ride. Oh the screams that would be heard heading out to the hill!

Well thanks for tuning it, and stick around for Freedom Friday!

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